
The information contained in this web site is for general information only, and is not legal advice or services.

I do not become your lawyer, nor does an attorney-client relationship exist between us, just because:
I only become your lawyer, and an attorney-client relationship exists between us, only if and when you and I enter into an agreement to that effect. Do not send me any information you consider confidential unless we enter into an agreement that I represent you. Just because you and I communicate or you send me information prior to our entering into an agreement that I represent you will not prohibit me from representing someone directly adverse to you.

I may not receive every communication you direct to me, and I may not respond to some of those communications by choice.

Nothing in this site is an offer to practice law in any state other than Texas, which is the only state in which I am licensed. If you have a legal matter in any other state, you should seek competent counsel licensed in the applicable state or other jurisdiction.

While I do my best to ethically obtain the best result for each of my clients, I cannot guarantee the results of any given case or matter-all of which depend on their own particular facts and circumstances.

The attorney responsible for the content of this web site is Paul E. Hanson.